Chris Harris
Chris Harris, Top Dawg @ Safety Dawg Inc.

Safety Dawg is celebrating his 1st Birthday.

Wow! Safety Dawg has been self employed for one whole year now. What a year it has been. When you start out on a new adventure you are anxious, nervous and scared. Really scared. Like most of us, I have a large monthly financial commitment. With rent or mortgage to pay, heat, light, hydro, cell phone, internet and an ex-wife; this is a large financial commitment to say the least. Many people are counting on me to be a success and continue to pay my bills and commitments. So you enter into starting your own business with much anxiety and many questions. Will I be able to do it? Can I make enough money to pay the bills? Will I enjoy being self-employed? Will I have the self motivation to keep at it and make my business a success. Will some people be willing to help me?

I’ll tell you a secret. For most small business, you need help from your friends and colleagues. Without their support, it is very unlikely that you’ll be s success and still in business. If you ask people before you start your business if they will be backing you, most will say yes and many will fail in their support. I believe that most small business’s that are a success are that way because they have their supporters. People can show their support in many ways. Lord knows that my friends have supported me in many surprising ways. Some have given me free but oh so valuable advice. Without some of their direction, I may not be here a year later. Others have sent business my way. Well that is awesome for without it I would not be here. The support has been fantastic.

But as I reflect on the 1st year that was I realize that over 90% of the business I’m doing is because of referrals and not organic. While Im so very grateful for what business I have been blessed with, I need to get some of my own business! So, in 2016 I’m going to be doing some new things in the hope of generating income from other sources and not just through my awesome referral network.

The reason for this post is to thank everyone who has so graciously supported Chris Harris and Safety Dawg Inc. in my first year of business. THANK YOU!

Watch for new exciting products and alliances coming in 2016!


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