Finalized Regulation for Boat tails in Canada


Canadian Trucking Alliance

Media Contact: Marco Beghetto, VP Communications & New Media

(416) 249-7401 x 238 [email protected]


Finalized Regulation for Boat tails in Canada

Provinces must amend regulations/introduce permits


(Toronto, Dec. 19, 2013) – Full length boat tails on Canadian trucks took one step closer to becoming a reality.

Currently, there are no full length boat tails operating on Canadian highways. The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), expects this to change as a result of a published regulation change to Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 223 (CMVSS 223). The changes will allow for greater variety of ‘boat tail’ designs to be used by trucking companies once the provincial regulations are updated.

Boat tails are devices installed on the rear of trailers that reduce aerodynamic drag, thereby reducing GHG emissions from heavy commercial trucks that adopt the technology.  Prior to the change by Transport Canada, the regulations severely restricted the ability for provinces to address boat tails in their own regulations and thereby the ability for trucking companies to deploy the use of this technology.

Boat tails are in wide spread use in the United States and this change sets the stage for the use of this technology on a North American scale.

The revisions to the standard were championed by the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), its provincial association partners, as well as the provincial and territorial governments that participated on the Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions.

The next important step in the process will be for all provincial associations to work with their government partners to bring about regulatory changes to allow the widespread adoption of this technology.  CTA will continue to work with Transport Canada to ensure boat tails designed to the new Canadian standard receive reciprocal recognition in the United States.

“CTA would like to recognize the hard work and dedication to this issue by Transport Canada, National Research Council and the Task Force on Vehicle Weights and Dimensions,” said Geoffrey Wood, CTA’s VP, Operations & Safety.


Marco Beghetto | VP of Communications & New Media,

Ontario Trucking Association/Canadian Trucking Alliance

Phone: 416-249-7401 | Fax: 1-866-713-4188


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