Special PODCAST Presentation LIVE. Update. What is happening at the border in regard to the Vaccine double doses being made mandatory?
Also, John got COVID. What was his experience?
Here is what the Canadian Government is saying to truck drivers as of today: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2022/01/requirements-for-truckers-entering-canada-in-effect-as-of-january-15-2022.html?fbclid=IwAR3kBGZlX4wQTyjGbEb2d4L7OSyTNvbp_96WSoUzW21you4Egp3n-x-rA9w
Here is the link to Jamie Irvin’s Heavy Duty Parts Report:
And your Hosts contact info:
John Farquhar
Summit Risk Solutions: summitrisksolutions.ca
1 226 802-2762
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-farquhar-9b88771a2/?originalSubdomain=ca
Chris Harris
Safety Dawg Inc: safetydawg.com
1 905 973 7056