Alrighty. It is one o'clock. Oh, one o'clock on a Monday, which means the Safety Dawg goes a live most Mondays. I don't want to say every Monday, because of course we have holidays and things like that. I don't usually go live on a holiday Monday, but most Mondays I do go live and I try to share with you something that you may not be fully aware of and today's no different. So today, what are we talking about?

MTO? And a lot of other people actually MTO and different government agencies do want you to have training. Well, what training does a CV or company? What are they supposed to have? So let me just start off. I want to share, I want to start off by sharing this with you without going through the whole safety manual, but I just want to share this with you. So let me see here. Okay. So we are the secrets of Safety Dawg. And if I make that a little bit bigger, there we go.

The secrets of Safety Dawgs. So in the manual, I'm going to show you this in a minute. What training did I say policies earlier? Hopefully I said training what training is required because that's what we're talking about today. What training is required and who kind of requires it? Well, this is the secrets of Safety Dawg, Mondays at one o'clock. And we talk about different stuff. I'm getting all of my information, right? From here, the commercial vehicle operators, safety manual. And I'm going to show you where D where to get that on-line. And specifically, we're going to dig deep into module seven, page 1 21.

And this is what module 7 1 21 actually says, the employers have a obligation under the occupational health and safety act. So not the MTO, but the occupational health and safety act to make sure their staff is properly trained for the duties to which they are assigned after hiring train, all employees and retrain when necessary to ensure that they will be able to carry out their responsibilities efficiently and most importantly, safely. So that's what the MTO says. If I can get my head out of the way there.

All right. And then the next thing they say is to keep a record, keep a record of all staff training in the employee's file. So what the heck am I talking about? Where do I get all this information? Well, here we go. The commercial vehicle operator safety manual, you click on download and it brings you to this page right here. Now specifically, I'm going into, as I said, module seven safety programs, record keeping and driver files. So if we click on that, we're not talking about driver files or anything like that today, I do want to hit, whoops.

I do want to hit a couple of highlights for you so that you see where it is that I'm getting this stuff. All right. So training the employers, here's that quote, I just gave you the employers have a legal obligation under the occupational health and safety act. You do, whether you're provincial or federal, you have an obligation to train all of your drivers and operators and other staff within your organization to make sure they can do their job safely. And right here, it says, keep a record of all training. So you've got to document your training.

This is really important. And there was something else here, training on how to use portable fire extinguishers. So portable. This is I've read this and I tried to put a list together and I'm not telling you that I didn't miss one or two or several, but I put a list together for us because it's sometimes it's hard to find portable fire extinguisher was right there. So next page 1 21, whoops, 1 21. I want to highlight the employers have the legal obligation.

Well, that was one 12, sorry. Under one 20 here, training for employees about safety laws and their application and ongoing program for evaluating employees, instructions on the safe equipment issued on the safety equipment issued, sorry, including flags and flares, fire, extinguishers, goggles, and hats. So PPE. And then up here, they're talking about policy. So we're not talking about policies today. We're just talking about training. And then the last, I want to go to page 1 24, because 1 24, look at this.

Some common topics to be covered in training are listed below. It is important to be consistent and provide the same training to all staff, same training to all staff. So this means you've got to either hire somebody like the dog speaks where I have a new hire orientation program, or you could use carriers edge or infinity, any of the other online training platforms, or you put together your own PowerPoint and training, because you want to be able to say with some effectiveness that it was the same training for all employees, the same training for all employees, as it says here and here, safety equipment, load security vehicle operation, safe, driving hours of service, vehicle maintenance, national safety code.

I don't really know of anybody that trains to national safety code. And yet it is stipulated right here, a company safety program. So each company should have their own safety programming. You need to train to that transportation legislation who talks about the highway traffic act. You need to be talking about the highway traffic act, occupational health and safety. Whether you are federally or provincially regulated, you need to talk about that highway traffic act and any of the other stuff. So that is what I wanted to cover today. A quick one, but I did put together a checklist for you.

And actually let me show you some of that. If I just go here, I think yes. So I did put together a checklist for you. I can make that a little bit bigger and you can download this checklist from the link in the show notes there, please download the checklist. I'm not telling you that this is everything that you need to be training, but it will certainly give you a good start. And then you can add to this list as you need to. All right, so this would be a great way to start. And then you add your specific training for your company as you progress.

All right. So it's nothing more than a good starting point. That's all I wanted to say today was that you do have to the occupational health and safety or in the states, if you're an American watching, OSHA tells you that you've got to do training regular training. And as you heard there ongoing training as needed. So there is no stipulation as to, you've got to do training once a year. That's not true. It has to be ongoing. And I would suggest that once a year is an absolute minimum.

If your insurance company comes in and says, how often do you train? And you say, once a year, I don't think they're going to be impressed. I really don't think that that would help them a lot. So you need to be doing ongoing training or, and when I say ongoing training, I'm talking about training for the whole fleet. I'm not talking about remedial training for something that happened a specific instance with one driver, I'm talking about your whole fleet, your office staff, you need to be doing it much more frequently. In my opinion, then once per year, certainly twice every quarter, at least.

And a lot of companies do monthly. I know of two companies that actually do weekly training programs. So they're right into it. But certainly monthly or quarterly are kind of minimums. I think today to fulfill your obligations for MTO for D O T and your insurance provider. If you have any questions, please reach out. And if you have any questions, reach out, say hi, whoever it is that's viewing. Give me a, whoops, give me a shout out in the show notes or sorry in the comments.

See, now I got confused. I got a viewer, but appreciate you and download the checklist. If you want a heads up and a good place to start building your own training program, that's it for this week. The secrets of Safety Dawg. Most Mondays at one o'clock the Safety Dawgs out. Well, got a thumbs up. Yay.

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