NATMI Certified Driver Trainer (CDT) program was conducted for the very first time in the Atlantic provinces on July 25 and 26. The reviews are in and it was a success.

In the past NATMI’s CDS course has been offered, but this is the first time that the “Certified Driver Trainer” (CDT) has been in the Atlantic. The program was conducted in Truro NS.


The reviews are in and the NATMI Certified Driver Trainer (CDT) program was an outstanding success, at least say the participants. Adam Steeves of Atlantic Pacific stated “Thanks for putting on the course. It was really well done and I learned a lot. Great program! I’m looking forward to earning my CDT credentials”. The others that attended appear to think the same. There were 10 people who joined us for the course. They were from both truck driving schools and the trucking industry. They are all involved in the truck driver training. 10 of 10 said that they were either Likely or Very Likely to take another NATMI course. I think that one comment says it all. They must have found great value in the CDT course.


Kelly Henderson of Trucking Human Resource Sector Council Atlantic (THRSC) said, “We were thrilled and excited to be able to bring this course to the trucking industry in Atlantic Canada. With the initial success of the course, THRSC is going to do it again in the Fall of 2016.” That is great news Kelly and Thanks for doing a great job in getting everything ready. I know that there is a ton of work in hosting events like this.


Jamie Phillips, whom you know from KRTS Transportation Specialists, was instrumental in helping put this together for THRSC. “I was really impressed with the work that Kelly was able to get done in such a short time. She and her team did an amazing job. KRTS is excited to have been a part of this event and we look forward to helping again in the Fall. I also want to thank Chris. He is an awesome facilitator and the student comments back up that statement. We will all do it again very soon. Watch for the coming details.”


NATMI CDT I was the facilitator for the NATMI Certified Driver Trainer (CDT) program, so I might be prejudice but it was awesome. All 10 of those who attended, all participated and really mastered some new skills. Each of them gave a five-minute presentation, which highlights the new techniques conveyed through the program. For some, this was the first time they have ever spoken to a small group. The results were fantastic. They all did  great presentations. What’s really good about this part of the program, is that the presentations can be on most any topic.  and we all learn something new. Some of the topics included “Proper Backing Techniques,” “Three Point Contact” and the “Learning Zone”. The participant presentations I think are the best part of the course. Each participant gets to share their knowledge and the passion with the rest of the group. All of us in the room, walk away with new knowledge because the presenters really put an extraordinary effort into their presentations. Their commitment to learning and then practicing the skills explained during the 2 days shows how committed they are to becoming the very best trainers that they can possibly be.


I really want to thank all the 10 of the participants. You all were awesome and made the course a great experience for me. Thank You.


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