Of course, you won't. It is too inconvenient. Well not now!
KRTS Announces, The 2017 NATMI Course Schedule is now public!
KRTS Announces, The 2017 NATMI Course Schedule is now public. You will have plenty of opportunities to take either the Certified Director of Safety (CDS) or the Certified Driver Trainer (CDT). We are offering the courses Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2017. Chris Harris of Safety Dawg will once again be the facilitator.
Call to register, seating is limited 1-800-771-8171 ext. 200 or email [email protected]
NATMI Certification – why pursue it?

Our focus is on improving fleet workforce performance and productivity. The North American Transportation Management Institute (NATMI) exists to improve the performance and productivity of the professionals directly responsible for effective fleet and driver performance – Safety Directors, Maintenance Managers, and Commercial Driver Trainers.
Through its training and professional certification programs, NATMI helps transportation professionals develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to:
reduce vehicle accidents
reduce employee injuries
control costs associated with vehicle maintenance
recruit and retain qualified drivers
avoid fines through proper regulatory compliance, and
present a favorable public image

Investment to participate in NATMI development is minimal in comparison to the $$'s a company can realize through improved operations.
Benefits to the Applicant:Certification is a formal means of establishing a professional reputation, a process for improving your work performance and advancing your career. Certification measures your professionalism against objective standards respected industry-wide. Certification means you have been tested against a standard and have succeeded. The process of certification is designed not only to measure your current level of competence but improve your performance and take you to a new level of ability.
Here are just a few ways you can benefit:Improve your managerial/technical competenceAdvance your careerEstablish a professional reputationGain international industry recognitionImprove your job performanceEarn a credential recognized in courtroom testimony
Call to register, seating is limited 1-800-771-8171 ext. 200 or email [email protected]
NATMI Benefits to the Employer:
While enhancing an individual’s professional standing in the industry is important, the real value of certification is the performance improvement. Not only does NATMI certification set recipients apart from their peers, but it also helps them do their jobs better, which increases their value within the company, improves the company’s operations and makes the highways safer for the public.
From a survey of Certified Directors of Safety, recipients stated that NATMI training and certification directly enhanced their ability to:

Lower the company's accident rate (86%)
Achieve a lower occupational injury rate (83%)
Control costs associated with accident litigation (100%)
Comply with regulatory requirements (87%)
Also, Insurance companies take NATMI certification into account among other factors in setting premiums.
Here is the NATMI course schedule 2017:
March 27 to March 31, Caledonia On. Certified Director of Safety
April 19 & 20​, Caledonia On, Certified Driver Trainer
June 5 to June 9, Mississauga On, Certified Director of Safety
June 3 27 & 28, Mississauga On, Certified Driver Trainer​
September 18, Caledonia On, Certified Director of Safety
​October 3 & 4, Caledonia On, Certified Driver Trainer