
My friend Shelley wrote a great piece about Kim Richardson. It was so good that I asked for permission to post here at Safety Dawg. Well Said Shelley.  This is the first guest post at the Safety Dawg Resources page.


Early on in my career I had heard the name Kim Richardson. Although I didn’t know him, I had certainly read a lot about Kim and his successful truck training school KRTS. What always intrigued me was his love and passion for the trucking industry. His genuine care and concern about the people working in this industry and more importantly what he could do to make it better.

I've seen him speak at various events

I continued to follow Kim through my adventures in trucking. I’ve seen him speak at various events throughout the years. It always amazed me that this trucking industry executive took the time to attend such events as the professional drivers’ rodeo, trucking for a cure, special olympics convoy and too many other to list them all here. You’re probably asking yourself, what’s the big deal? As a driver I can tell you it’s not often we see the executives at events that are geared for drivers. Kim is one of the few who does and more importantly he takes the time to listen to drivers concerns about the training of new drivers. With Kim, drivers have always been treated like we are ” more than just a driver ” .

​I started the Women’s Trucking Federation Of Canada

When I started the Women’s Trucking Federation Of Canada , I knew the direction we wanted to go in but was unsure how to go about it. We had hit many stumbling blocks and many who thought we were wasting our time. So, I decided to reach out to Kim Richardson in the hopes he would be able to offer us some advice and guidance.

Our first meeting was at KRTS in Caledonia . His warm smile and friendly greeting made me feel confident that I had reached out to the right person.

The office environment and his staff are very friendly and welcoming. Over the course of the last year I’ve personally attended many events that Kim has been involved with either speaking , attending, or sponsoring. I’m honored to have Kim Richardson as a member of our Industry Advisory Board. For me personally he has been an amazing mentor and a good friend.

Women's Trucking Federation of Canada

For more information about the Women's Federation of Canada click here.

Shelley Uvanile-Hesch is the CEO of the Women’s Trucking Federation of Canada as well as a professional driver at Sharp Transportation Systems Inc for the past 12 yrs. You can reach her at [email protected]


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