
KRTS and Safety Dawg Inc are proud and excited to announce the NATMI 2018 Courses, CDS and CDT and the dates for each. We are offering three courses for the Certified Director of Safety, CDS and three courses for the Certified Driver Trainer, CDT.

To register call KRTS 800 771 8171. Call today!



March 5 to 9

May 7 to 11

Sept 17 to 21

March 21 & 22

June 13 & 14

October 3 & 4

NATMI 2018 Courses, CDS and CDT

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg here.

Announcing, the NATMI training dates for 2018.
Kim Richardson of KRTS Transportation Specialists and Safety Dawg are thrilled and excited to let you know that the times are out for 2018 NATMI's CDS course and the CDT course. And of course you can see them here, or you could see them here.

There you go the ​

NATMI 2018 Courses, CDS and CDT

For more information, you can either contact me directly. You can call Jennifer at KRTS, 800 771 8171, or go to the KRTS website. It will be on the calendar, and of course, there's a blog post at safetydawg.com, and you can get more information there.

So NATMI is excited to authorize KRTS and Safety Dawg Inc. to bring these courses to you three for the CDS and three for the CDT. Spring, early summer, and then fall.

Join us you will love it!

Why should you join us? Industry recognition, sure as hell helps your resume, and we have a lot of fun. It is accreditation like nobody else has. I'm not aware of another accredited program that you are recognized as an industry leader when you get your designations from NATMI.

So come on out join us the first ones coming soon in the spring.

Safety Dawg out!

NATMI Certification – why pursue it?

NATMI CDS program, Safety Basics and Safety Management

NATMI CDT program


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