
I hope that the truck driver quoted in this CBC news story is miss quoted. The driver is caught up in a road closure outside of Winnipeg during a severe storm. He is forced to sit on the highway for about 24 hours. His complaint is that he was not given food or water during this period. He is a long-haul truck driver from Calgary, and the trip was to Winnipeg.

His complaint is that he was not given food or water during this period

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In this case, should truck drivers not pack for emergencies? It is winter in Canada. I have long preached that all drivers in Canada, not just truck drivers should pack an emergency Truck Driver Survival Kit. This CBC story just another example that I can use when I get on my pedestal and preach. Yes, I know I get on my high horse and preach regularly. But really, it is Canada, and you need to prepare for this type of emergency. In this case, the weather is bad, and this driver was not prepared. He expects that during the road closure in which the roads are treacherous and the reason for the shutdown, that others should risk their lives and bring him food and water.

it is Canada, and you need to prepare for this type of emergency.

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Well I for one strongly disagree!

Each and every driver, yes I include personal cars in this. Each and every operator of a car or truck needs to be prepared for emergencies. Emergencies can include road closures due to weather or collisions. You also need to add in situations of crisis, breakdowns, and other unforeseeable delays. Yes, every car or truck needs an emergency or a Truck Driver Survival Kit.

What is in a Truck Driver Survival Kit?

Indeed, food, such as energy bars need to be included. If you have room in your vehicle water is nice. But if it is winter, and your truck gets cold enough to allow the water to freeze, this may not be an excellent idea. Water that freezes and thaws several times tastes awful. So you may bring fresh water with you for every trip.So far we have food and water. What else?

Please remember, always keep at least a half tank of fuel. During the winter you don't want to run out of fuel! A warm truck is so inviting :). So we have food, water, candles for light and heat, matches or a lighter to light the candles, dry and extra clothing, extra blankets, prescription medicine (always bring extra in case your trip is longer than planned). All of this can be stored in a two-pound empty coffee can. The can be used to hold the lit candle safely. (If the candle falls over it won't start your truck on fire.)

Please remember, always keep at least a half tank of fuel.

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August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024
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